Amidst balancing multiple responsibilities, women often forget to take care of themselves. However, persistently ignoring health for extended periods can lead to several problems in the long run. To handle these issues effectively, many private clinics have been made available; facilitating GP services. They help resolve various issues related to female health through proper diagnosis and treatment procedures.

What health services are provided by a Private GP?

Routine breast screening

The purpose of periodical screening is to assess whether the breasts have any abnormalities or not. Preferable techniques include mammograms, ultrasound, MRI etc. Post-analysis, the doctor may recommend follow-up procedures like surgery, chemotherapy or medications.

Tests for assessing hormonal profile

Doctors can conduct specific blood or urine tests to quantify concentrations of hormones present in the body. Apart from providing valuable insights for female reproductive health, these tests help to determine if other glands are optimally functioning or not. This includes assessment of thyroid hormones, adrenal hormones, pituitary hormones, and so forth.

Fertility testing procedures

Doctors conduct various tests to explore if anyone has possible fertility issues or not. One of the reliable procedures for testing fertility is the AMH test. It quantitatively assesses the ‘ovarian reserve’ and provides valuable information about reproductive health. Other diagnostic tests include ultrasound scan, x-ray, laparoscopy etc. If needed, special referrals can also be arranged (for critical cases).

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Pregnancy-related blood tests

For confirming pregnancy, an HCG blood test is done. Besides, a pregnant woman is tested for Rh+ve or -ve blood. Another blood test during pregnancy is the AFP test. This is mainly performed to detect if the unborn foetus has congenital defects or other genetic abnormalities.

Birth control methods

Before choosing a birth control method, one must seek advice from a professional healthcare provider. Some common contraceptive techniques (except surgery) for females are oral hormonal pills, dental dams, vaginal rings, intrauterine devices (IUDs), etc.

Cervical smear test

This test is also known as a Pap smear or Pap test. It is performed to detect changes in the cervical cells caused by HPV virus (may lead to cancer development at a later stage). Cell sample is collected from the cervix and thereafter sent to lab for analysis.

Gynaecological cancer screenings

Screening procedures generally involve a pelvic exam, assessing the female reproductive passage and external genitals (i.e. the vagina, cervix, uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries, rectum etc.). Sometimes, an endometrial tissue sample is performed. It examines for cell abnormalities; potentially indicating uterine cancer. This procedure is conducted for women who have heightened risk due to genetic factors.

Additional benefits

Advice regarding female reproductive health

Proper knowledge about female reproductive health encompasses a wide range of topics like STI prevention, post- menopausal symptoms and many more. Additionally, it helps to avoid certain types of cancers, adopt sustainable strategies for family planning etc.

Guidance on menstrual hygiene

Doctors can guide individuals about menstrual problems through awareness programmes. This basically includes effective management tips to ensure proper hygiene during periods.

Management of pregnancy-related complications

Healthcare providers can reduce the likelihood of pregnancy related complications through early detection and treatment. Likewise, prenatal care plays a great role in recognizing mental health issues, (such as anxiety and depression) during pregnancy.

Support for post-menopausal symptoms

Menopause can bring about numerous physical and emotional changes for women. This often makes the scenario complex for them. However, doctors can offer sufficient support to easily manage this challenging period. One may adopt healthy lifestyle changes to reduce post-menopausal effects. This includes active exercises like walking, swimming etc. or participating in yoga classes can promote physical activity.

Stress management tips

Doctors can support you in creating a personal wellness plan that will help manage stress. This mainly includes periods of recovery through self-care. One can reduce stress by meditating, pursuing a lost hobby, learning new skills etc. Moreover, one should focus on making healthy life choices.

Key takeaways

Women experience different phases in their lives, bringing specific health issues from time to time. These must be timely addressed for avoiding future complications. Regular checkups ensure personalized care; fulfilling individual needs. Whether you are in your reproductive years, preparing for pregnancy, or managing menopause, these checkups are a must. Moreover, these can help you take preventive measures beforehand to maintain over well-being.


Now-a-days, a lot of clinics provide affordable private GP services. They implement sophisticated screening procedures and deliver swift results. Medical Express is one among such top clinic names in London. Moreover, a private GP at Medical Express Clinic emphasizes patient confidentiality during health assessments. Thus, if you are concerned about your heath, feel free to contact with us at the earliest.

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